About the chef



I am Amani, an Arab from Aleppo, Syria. I live with my mother and my younger sisters. I left Syria in 2013 when I lost my father and brother in the war and we fled to Lebanon and stayed there for six years, which were hard and difficult years. I worked there more than one job and studied, and then we applied to travel to the United Kingdom and it was approved after many years of waiting. When I came to the UK, I started to learn the English language. I started out like a butterfly- I was locked up and then saw freedom.

Two bowls of food on a wooden table at a London Cookery Class taught by Migrateful.

More About My Story

Then I got a job with Kent Refugees Action Network and I used to help them with cooking sometimes. One day I cooked with my mother and some students for about 60 people, and this was my first step in my dream of being a great chef. I love writing and I would like to publish a special book in my name and tell about what I have suffered from the war. I love cooking because I see cooking is the path to kindness and love, for food is a language that no one can hear except generous people. My teacher proposed this institution to teach cooking and I agreed to join. I am happy and grateful for my joining Migrateful because I can now see my dream clearly with them.

Try our cookery classes today!

Learn to cook delicious, authentic food from around the world from refugee and migrant chefs and enjoy a meaningful exchange of cultures and stories in a fun, intimate setting.

A purple plate with a fork and knife on it, featured in a London Cookery Class offered by Migrateful.A purple flower on a white background.A circle adorned with three vibrant orange and purple circles, showcasing the Migrateful London Cookery Class.A whimsical cartoon illustration capturing a couple in a London cookery class, joyfully holding a piece of onion during their Migrateful experience.